I have nice hair.
No, I have FANTASTIC hair.
I'm just saying, I do. It's one of those things I really like about myself! It's thick and long...and thanks to all the pre-natals it's VERY shiny! I can do anything with it, and it obeys. I can wear it curly, straight, up or down and it will probably look good.
In fact, I'm not going to lie... most days I just roll out of bed with rockstar hair...
I know, I sound AWFULLY full of myself don't I?
But wait! You don't understand what I've gone through to be able to say that! My hair and I haven't always had the most amorous of relationships. I am blessed (or what I believed at the age of 12 was "cursed") with naturally curly/wavy hair.
UN-lucky for me, puberty hit right before the time that the "flatiron" became available to the masses, and right after the time that the "stick straight" malnourished look of a heroine addicted model's hair became all the rage. So, needless to say, there was a brief period of time when my failed efforts to resemble Giselle Bundchen mixed in with the humidity of the Tampa Bay air made for some, well...embarrassingly frizzy Jr. High yearbook moments.
However thanks to Frizz Ease, the kind instruction of the empathetic beauty editors at SEVENTEEN magazine, and finally to the invention of the first flatiron I owned (which coincidentally also happened to have crimping plates... I believe hair fashion was in a transition phase), I was able to tame the tresses, and come out on top! And lo and behold, it turned out I had hair to be envious of!
Now God is not an unfair God. No, no, no. You see, there has to be a balance. If you have thin/fine hair that won't hold body...I'm sorry, I can see how that would be frustrating. But, do I completely sympathize for you?
Why? Because you can probably shave your legs in the morning, and then crawl into bed at night with your sweetie, without him screaming in pain as his legs brush against yours! Because your arm hair doesn't get tangled in your accessories. Because if you don't tweeze for a week, you're not in danger of being mistaken for Jim Henson creation that resides in a garbage pail.
That's right, I pay for my beautiful locks in ways you've never even imagined.
Trust me. Don't imagine it.
I started shaving my legs one Saturday when I was 10 years old. Not because I wanted to...but because I was going to be a junior bridesmaid in a wedding that day. The white tights, trying really hard to contain the proverbial forest beneath them, resembled a newly sprouting Chia Pet.
Not cute.
As I stood there in front of my mom, it was QUITE clear that I was my father's child, and my Cajun hertitage could not be masked despite Hanes' best efforts.
She looked me up and down, furrowed her perfectly shaped NEVER tweezed eyebrows, drummed her finger on her virtually hairless arms, and reluctantly led me to the bathroom. It was there I began (what should be for ME anyway) the daily ritual all women endure...
So, yes, my relationship with my hair...in all it's forms... is a love/hate one.
But I've learned to love the love!
Now Jonathan...
Like me, he was born with a FULL head of hair. Well, not JUST head. Forehead also :) Yup, he was a little monkey baby with hair reaching down all the way to his eyebrows!
Well, of course he's a hairy guy! He's half mexican for goodness sake!
PLUS to top it off, his hair is CURLY.
And I don't mean curly like my hair...I mean curly like...Shirley Temple.
If Jon tried to grow out his hair, he would have an honest to goodness fro. A good ole fashioned white boy fro.
I personally think it's adorable. He doesn't agree.
He, like me, spent the mojority of his life fighting AGAINST what his hair naturally wanted to do. It was only when he was too young to make his own decisions about his hair, that it shone in all it's natural glory!
That's right Mrs. Susie Sanchez let those precious little tendrils grow and fall across her son's precious face! Oh! You should see the pictures! SO adorable was this little boy with his curly locks! Apparently it stayed that way until Jon's dad, Oscar, decided it was time to cut it short after Jon was apparently mistaken for a girl out in public...
Since then Jon has kept his hair as short as possible...even shaving it off a couple of times in high school and college. His hair grows SO fast. He needs a cut every week and half to two weeks!
I, of course, encourage him to grow it a little longer, so everyone can see how beautifully curly his hair is.
He, of course, doesn't oblige.
It's a shame really. Sort of a waste of a beautiful head of hair...
Until now :)
Why am I going on about hair? Well...
On Monday, Jon and I had our last ultrasound of the pregnancy. We got to see what position the baby was in (head down, yay!), how his heart was doing (beating strong), and even how big he is measuring (6lbs 5oz estimated with 3 weeks to go! Gulp...)
But there was one thing the ultrasound tech could NOT get over...
Maverick's hair.
She exclaimed,"I RARELY see anything like this! I can actually see it on the ultrasound!"
Now I know these things are kind of hard to see. But Maverick is actually facing us head on. It appears as though he's already got an inch and a half of hair on his head. It's sticking straight up, like a flat top in this pic.
Throughout the entire scan, The techwould shake her head in amazement and mutter to herself.
Ocassionally, I would catch phrases like "so much hair" and words like"furry," She pointed out fuzz all over his body.
I just shook my head and smiled, because I didn't expect ANYTHING different! How could a child of Ashley Draper and Jonathan Sanchez look like anything other than a miniature gorilla??
Now I am not complaining! Quite the contrary actually! I'm personally excited about it! I'm especially thrilled about comparing the difference between my 10 week old nephewJoshua, and Maverick.
You see Joshua could be a Gerber baby. He has (and has had since birth) a perfectly round, virtually bald little head, with pretty blue eyes and porcelain skin. He is the picture perfect portrait of a Johnson and Johnson billboard.
I can see Maverick now. Coming out all pointy-headed, with dark olive skin, hair reaching across his forehead and down his back, and the beginnings of a uni brow :)

And to think, they'll be cousins!
I can't wait!! :)
And yes, I WILL grow out his curly hair! I can promise you now, that it will take a force of nature to convince me to cut it.
That is until he's out with Daddy one day, and someone comments on his beautiful daughter's precious little curls. Then Daddy might take matters into his OWN hands.
History does have a way of repeating itself....
And on that note, here's to hoping there will never be a reason to squeeze Mavericks legs in to little white tights... ;)
ReplyDeleteYou're hilarious! I LOVE this HAIRY story! Maverick will be PREFECT! :)
Kristen Haynes
I was disappointed. Where was Hogwarts, the wands and the brooms, etc.