Saturday, March 13, 2010

Welcome! Come right in, pull up a...mouse...

So many miles separate the various members of our friends & family.

Admittedly that is mostly the fault of yours truly, as Jon managed to grow up and stay in one town for 21 years. I don't think I've ever lived under one roof for longer than, wow...I guess 3 1/2 years!

What can I say? I get restless...

So what better way to bridge the gap of distance than to divulge the daily droning of our little family on the world wide web?

Well, I think it's a good idea...

So thanks to the wonderful world of technology, the (ahem) GENIUS ability I possess to captivate an audience via personal narrative, and of course the fact that there is a third member of the family on the way that...let's face it... everyone reading this has more interest in anyway ... we have decided to start a blog!

Yay us!

Of course the purpose of this project, is to share with all of you the joys of our wonderful little life.

And that's exactly what we have here in the Sanchez household.

An amazing, happy, loving, wonderful little life.

It sounds so simple doesn't it...and yet SO difficult to come by these days...

So join us! That is if you can stand my poor grammer habits of digressing and ridiculously long run on sentances....

We are just a few very short weeks away from meeting our first child; Maverick James Sanchez.

In other words, things can only get more interesting very quickly!

So stay tuned! Because later today an influx of pictures will be added! From pics of our little guy in utero, to our (almost) finished nursey!

Be stoked. I know I am :)

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